Saturday, March 4, 2017

Starting #BlendKit2017

Ouch! It's embarrassing to see how long it's been since I last blogged here. Granted, I've been busy with teaching, doctoral studies, etc. but still...

So what got me started again? Participating in BlendKit2017! I'm particularly hoping to connect with other language instructors participating in the MOOC. To that end, I started a Group on the site. It's brand new, but I'm hoping others will join. Spread the word!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie,
    I too see the great benefits of blended learning for language learners. My background is in ESOL (teaching English to second language learners). I'm excited about introducing more interactive technology into the courses we develop. It's my intention to look back at a course we delivered in 2011, which was at that time delivered as a blended course, and see how I can revive it with the technology available now.
    Thanks for sharing your insights.
